Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
Click here to find out more about the LiH Trust.

Greenways Primary School


Board of Governors - Welcome Message

Welcome to the section of the website where you can find out more about our board of governors, and the work that we do.

All of our governors actively support the Headteacher and the staff in achieving the Greenways Primary School's vision, aims and objectives whilst constantly seeking to improve standards across the curriculum.  As governors, we have particular responsibilities which are explained in the 'who we are' section and are frequent visitors to the school.

Our children's primary education is an essential foundation stone for the rest of their lives.  All governors are committed to providing them with the highest standards of teaching and learning in a safe and caring environment.  We are particularly proud of the reputation of both schools as happy, vibrant and inclusive schools which value the individual community members.  With the assistance and support of parents and the wider community, we are confident that the schools will provide the best possible education for all our children for many years to come.

The governing body works closely with the Parents' Forum as a way of developing and maintaining links with parents but if you ever need to contact the governors direct, please write marking your envelope "Private and Confidential", c/o Greenways Primary School and hand it in to either the Junior or Infant school office.  If you are interested in joining our Local Governing Body, please click here.

C Burgess

Chair of Governors

Current Board of Governors



End of Term

Darren Woollard

Trustees Representative (TLG link)


Theresa Goodrich



Chrissy Burgess

Co-opted Governor, Chair


Peter Kittle

Co-opted Governor


Brenda Dalley

Co-opted Governor


Carol Clarke

Co-opted Governor


Andrew Iwanoczko

Co-opted Governor


Andrew Robinson

Co-opted Governor, Vice-chair


Gemma Hatt

Parent Governor


Charlotte Cheung

Staff Governor


Former Governors (Departures in the Last 12 Months)

Name Role Date of Resignation or Departure

Ian Wright

Co-opted Governor July 2024

Phoebe Huggan

Staff Governor July 2024

Jenny Hannington

Co-opted Governor

November 2024

Lee Wilcockson

Parent Governor

Term ended 17/01/2025

What We Do

Overall purpose

The governing body is the school's accountable body.  It aims to ensure that children are attending successful schools that provide them with the best possible education and support their well being.  Working with the Principal, it has a strong focus on three core functions:

·         ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

·         holding the Principal to account for the educational performance of the schools and their pupils; and

·         overseeing the financial performance of the federation and making sure its money is well spent.

Role of governors

Governors complement and enhance school leadership by providing support and challenge, ensuring that all statutory duties are met, appointing the leadership team and holding them to account for the impact of the federation’s work on improving outcomes for all pupils.  

They also carry out a number of other important duties, which include:

·         Determining how the schools’ budget is spent

·         Staffing, including personnel and performance management

·         Hearing appeals and grievances

·         Forming policy on the curriculum for each school

·         Setting appropriate targets for pupil achievement

·         Setting standards for pupils' behaviour and discipline

·         Making sure school buildings are welcoming and safe

All governors actively contribute relevant skills and experience and commit to becoming involved not only with the routine business of the governing body but with other opportunities for getting to know the schools, understanding their working environment and engaging in dialogue with staff.  Their collective skills and experience supports and strengthens the senior leadership team and creates a wider perspective for the management of the federation.  It is widely acknowledged that an effective governing body can make a significant contribution to school performance.

The role of school governor is demanding but very rewarding and is a good way to give back to the local community. 

Declaration of Interests

Please click here to view the current Declaration of Interests document.

Attendance at Meetings Information

Please click here to view the latest Governors meeting attendance information.