Holidays in Term Time
Request for Exceptional Term Time Leave
From 1st September 2013, the Regulations relating to absence from school have been amended. These amendments make it clear that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Permission will not be given for holidays booked because they are less expensive during term time or to tie in with other relatives’ arrangements.
If parents have particular compassionate reasons for requesting leave during term time you may put your request in writing by completing this form and it will be considered. You will be notified by ParentMail of the outcome of your request. If leave is granted, the Head teacher determines the number of days a child may be away from school.
The Regulations provide for penalty notices (fines) to be issued if a parent fails to ensure that their child attends school regularly. The policy of Southend Borough Council is that penalty notices will be issued if:
- There are 5 or more consecutive days of unauthorised absence
- Attendance is less than 90% for the preceding 10 weeks