Attendance Information
If your child is unwell and unable to attend school, please inform the school by telephone each day by 8.30am on 01702 987950
Use option 1 explaining the reason for your child’s absence.
Data from the Department for Education and within our school shows that there is a clear link between good attendance and achievement at school and this is celebrated in a range of ways.
The attendance of all pupils is regularly monitored by our Attendance Officer and when a child’s absence falls below 95% for any reason (including genuine illness) parents/carers are informed by letter that their child’s attendance is being monitored. This monitoring shows that for the majority of children their attendance then improves back to expected levels.
However, if attendance falls to 90% this is classed as Persistent Absence. We will then meet with parents/carers to identify barriers to getting their children into school, external support that might be helpful e.g. School Nurse, Early Help and the need for evidence to be provided for any further absence.
If you choose to take your child on holiday during term time or your child has unacceptable levels of unauthorised absence you may be subject to a fixed penalty notice. Under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003, Section 23(1), the issuing of a Penalty Notice incurs a fine of £80.00 per child if paid within 21 days rising to £160.00 per child if paid after 21 days but within 28 days.
(NB. In the case where the penalty has not been paid within 28 days of issue, the case may be escalated to prosecution in Magistrates Court for non-school attendance).
If you need help with getting your child to school regularly then please speak to the Class Teacher or a member of the Pastoral Support Team who will discuss strategies to support you
Relevant Supporting Documents
Penalty Notices to Address Poor Attendance at School - Advice for Parents/Carers
Procedure for requests for term-time holidays can be found here
Our Attendance policy can be found here
What does good attendance look like? Find out more information here